What European future graduates want in 2025 ?

About JobTeaser JobTeaser, European leader in the recruitment and orientation of young talents, was founded in 2008 to facilitate the transi- tion between the academic and professional world. With the mission of supporting young people in their professio- nal integration, JobTeaser offers an integrated platform in more than 800 schools and universities across Europe. This platform is used by 5 million students and recent gra- duates to discover internship and job opportunities, and by more than 250,000 recruiters to communicate and recruit talent.

About The Gen Z Lab Launched in 2023, The Gen Z Lab is an observatory de- dicated to the analysis of future generations and their re- lationship to work. Bringing together our resources on the characteristic trends of Generation Z, our ambition is to demystify preconceived ideas about this youth, to stu- dy their behaviour, and to better understand their aspira- tions. Studies, testimonies, forums, detailed and prospec- tive analyses: find all our content developed by JobTeaser experts to decipher those who will shape the world of work of tomorrow.

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The GenZ Lab



Starting careers: What future graduates want in 2025

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